9.9 – The One Where They Age

This is the last post in the old house (I think lol), so say GOODBYE to pink walls and obscene amounts of green, and HELLO to something beautiful!

Homework party! Sadly, because they end up moving just before they turn into teens, this means nothing for Abigail and the not-pictured Alex.

I am rapidly losing control of these children; I’m not actually entirely sure who this is or how she got out here. I’m like 80% sure this is Haley, but at this point they all look so startlingly familiar with their red hair and blue clothes (why is it always blue!?) that you cannot blame me.

That and I’m used to playing them as teens, so writing this is just a huge ???? for me.

Piper gets asked out on a date by some random old dude with terrible hairstyle choices. Though I really can’t talk, I’ve been putting off getting a haircut for almost a month now (because it either involves driving ridiculously far or messaging somebody new [shudders]) that I’m now starting to resemble Cousin Itt.

Piper: Wasn’t this supposed to be about my date and not your terrible life choices?

… Right you are.

Here is a picture of Eileen painting. Do I know why I took this or what purpose it serves?

Of course not.

I know these two are wearing different colours, but that still doesn’t mean I can tell them apart. There’s seven of them! Give me a break!

Emily: I’m Emily!

Haley: And I’m Haley!

Very helpful.

Either way, there’s some parenting happening up in here!

Despite not being able to tell them apart (I looked it up, this is Haley), I can tell you she’s hella cute!!!

These two are well on their way to being frenemies, it seems. Or siblingemies?

Elliott: God, Leah, why are you such trash? Just tell me the answers already!

Leah: No.

Elliott: Rude.

Eileen: Oh, what’s happening? Is my child having a birthday? Did I leave the iron on? I’d better check.

Wait –

Well, she’s gone.

Eileen is not particularly interested in being a mother. She’s only interested in having lots of children.

Go figure.

Child Haley! Our little artiste here picks up Eccentric as her child trait, making her one of roughly three sims I’ve ever had with that trait!

I don’t know why it comes up so infrequently – I get artist a hell of a lot in comparison!

It’s also time for Elliott’s birthday, too!

Haley: Couldn’t I eat my burned birthday waffles without somebody stealing my thunder??

Not in this house, you can’t.

Tadaaaaah! He picks up Good Sense Of Humour, weirdly. I didn’t like him much as a child but his traits are rounding out a little more cleanly than the “I Am An Asshole” figure he was shaping up to be.

I did give him leather and studs and belts though, because he’s still the kind of kid who’d probably set things on fire for fun. But then again, don’t we all have the desire to set things on fire sometimes, or is that just me?

And we’re immediately graced with an alien invasion.


Why did you have to arrive now? I’ve never had an alien baby before, but I’ve already got seven kids, and none of those can have their own just yet!

Go away, and come back when we’ve chosen an heir!!

Zasarn: My apologies?

Also come back when you’ve got some hair.

Elliott: Have you ever considered using your skills to help overthrow the government?

Annabeth: What?

Elliott: You know, like replacing the mayor or the president with one of your robots?

Annabeth: Um????

Elliott: With my brains and your tech skills, we could take over the world in no time!!

Leah, on the other hand, just wants somebody to play with her, even going as far as to ask Eileen to snowball fight with her during spring?

Unsurprisingly that did not pan out, and instead she’s left to play cars by herself in the green nursery.

Abigail is permanently glued to the computer, writing. She’s yet to actually finish a book, but then again neither have I, so I’m not judging!


Haley: So, about that weather?

Eileen: REALLY?

Marasi: And that’s my cue to leave!

Leah: How low can you go?


Au contraire, it’s always the time for the cha cha slide.

And then this lil baba cha cha slides his way into existence; Sebastian! This illegal little baby is a Hydrophobic Virtuoso (another trait that crops up a lot, actually), who apparently doesn’t have a favourite colour because I failed to list it.

It’s nothing exciting, it’s grey.

The bean is then aged up immediately, because I had enough issues with poor Ginny being so much younger than her siblings and do not wish to repeat that with seven kids!

POOF! There he is! I’m surprised the red hair carried over so strongly, only he and Leah got the purple!!

I also struggled immensely finding hair I actually liked for him. I might even go on another spree now, just because I still hate the hair I have him in.

God this is so cute I hate it

Nice to see the Langurd jaw still going strong after seven or so generations!


I did come up with a sort of kids playroom/skilling room for the upstairs, which we now know is totally changed, but I kept the pictures anywhere because it features my adorable Gen 10 kids!!

Every generation needs a painter!!

There’s also this garden, which actually kept most of its shape! I didn’t keep the football goal, though I might put that back in!

ELLIOTT! You can’t be mean to Eileen!

Seriously, this guy is rude to everyone now he’s a teen; turns out his rage was contained within his tiny child body and now it has been UNLEASHED.

Either that or he’s just like the average teenager, “URGH, I HATE YOU!”.

Leah: Finally, someone to play with me who can’t escape!


Looks like he escaped after all.

Wait, who let the babies out!?

Happy birthday Emily!!!

She did not actually pick up a new trait? It didn’t lock in, so she still doesn’t actually have one. Also, do you notice anything else wrong with this picture?

Emily: Yes, you put me in the wrong colour. My favourite is lilac, not turquoise!


Emily: Not only do you put me in the wrong colour, but you spoil my birthday my making me share it with the new brat?

Annabeth: Wait, didn’t Eileen give birth to you like, yesterday?

Sebastian gets Easily Impressed as his newest trait! I did actually wait the three days of toddlerhood before aging him up, I think??? Honestly I’ve no idea.

9.5 – The One With The Divorce

Four months and 13 revisions later, this post is finally written up, and this legacy is technically over! But don’t sweat it, guys, I’ve still got lots left to post! 😉

Marasi: I can’t believe that one of my children is dead… I had money on it being you first, Annabeth.

Annabeth: Gee, thanks.

Looks like baby #1 is officially on its way!

Eileen: Or maybe it’s that burnt mac and cheese that I made earlier!?

Nope, I think it’s that rule of equivalent exchange again.

Eileen: Maybe you’re right.

Poor girl got ridiculously bad sickness; she was throwing up every few hours.

And then decided to stand in the absolute worst place to photograph for her baby pop.

Eileen: You’re welcome.

She also has this bad habit of going into Marasi and Kara’s bedroom to stare at her face in the mirror.

Eileen: I am an Agent of Chaos.

This bodes well for your children.

Really, I should just move the mirror into their bedroom, but that would be too easy and I keep forgetting.

Annabeth: My wife is pregnant so it’s the absolute perfect time to go on holiday! We’ve gotta finish up in France, right? Remember, that’s F R A N C E!

Alright, we get it. We’re going to Egypt, then.

Annabeth: Wait, no –

Annabeth: Egypt looks suspiciously like France, you lying binch.

Funny, that.

Alright, guys, I can remember a whole 0% of what’s happening in these screenshots so uh, here’s Annabeth.

Annabeth: You know what, I can’t believe you abandoned me and my children for so long. All to build houses and play TS4!

We already know I’m a disappointment, but thanks for pointing it out.

Annabeth: Maybe I’ll get trapped in here and die. But I’m sure you won’t care, because YOU LEFT US!


Annabeth: My bad, it was already occupied by someone hiding from you and your terrible writing.


Oh, is this that quest where some incompetent fool couldn’t make her own wine and needed to get you to do it for her?

Annabeth: Are you describing yourself?

I don’t make wine! I make houses 😉

Annabeth: Get your plugging out of my generation.

Annabeth: This is disgusting on so many levels. It’s getting under my toenails.


But then we had to wait for it to ‘process’ or whatever, so Annabeth helped herself to some of the family’s precious, hundred year old wine.

Annabeth: It’s the least they could do for me.

And then Annabeth decided to fuck around in this well, because it might lead somewhere interesting.

It didn’t, and we might’ve got some stuff from it but who can say?

French Lady: Now I need you to make me the same nectar, but in better quality.

Annabeth, signing her level 3 Visa: I think not, BYE!

And that was the end of France!

And then we come home to this disturbing scene; an Adult Kara hitting on her pregnant daughter-in-law.

Eileen: Uh… thank you? But no. Definitely no.


And also with Annabeth’s arrival home, came the completion of Eileen’s LTW!

That’s another one ticked off the list! That takes our total of completed LTW’s up to TWENTY FOUR! I know, I’m as amazed as you are.

Eileen: Thank you for completing my lifelong wish, babe.

Annabeth: You are my lifelong wish.

Eileen: Ew.

Marasi: You tried hitting on our DAUGHTER IN LAW!? That’s it, we’re finished!

Kara: How are you saying that without moving your face!?

Kara proceeds to then call up to move houses, but rather than waste any of our hard earned money on her, she’s swiftly kicked out onto the street with nothing but the contents of her inventory.

Marasi gives no shits.

Meanwhile, Annabeth is throwing up in the bathroom upstairs.

Annabeth: God, just the sight of that divorce made me SICK.

Yeah, I really don’t think that’s what his is about.

And what does the homewrecker herself have to say?

Eileen: Do you think I’m getting wrinkles?


I definitely don’t know what this screenshot is about; is Piper getting a job? Is Piper getting a flu shot?

I think she’s getting a job in the science career (need that sweet monies), but I’m honestly not sure.

Oh but this! I know what this is! This is Eileen in labour!

Eileen: Yes, thank you for pointing out the obvious. I think even a blind three year old could’ve figured that out.

How could he see if he’s blind?


Sorry, yes, carry on.

Annabeth: Babe, have you peed yourself? Because that’s kind of –


Annabeth: Kay, bye.

Eileen: Nvm, it’s all okay now.

This, everyone, is the final moment of my legacy. With this little baby boy, my three (?) year slog has been finished. I have reached the end of my journey, and for the first time in approximately six years, I have actually completed a legacy.

Be careful with him, Eileen, he’s very important!

Eileen: I will put him here. He will be safe.

What, no, what are you doing?

Eileen: Checking for wrinkles, of course.

I hate you.

Eileen: No, you don’t.

THANKFULLY, someone sensible (hm) rescued the poor bean, and I can officially introduce generation ten to you!

This is Elliott Gordon, born a Neurotic Loner and loving the colour blue! I love him already.

And of course, Annabeth tries to steal the show with her own pregnancy pop!

Marasi: Wait, if Eileen just gave birth, how is it possible that Annabeth is now pregnant?

You tell me, you’re the one who had four kids with another woman.

Smellybeth is a fairly good mumma, so far anyway. As far as I can remember, Elliott was a pretty chilled baby, too.

Didn’t stop everyone from queuing up to cuddle him, though.

But then again, what else is new?

These two continue to be adorable and in sync like always, even going so far as to both be reading on tablets.

Again, I do not know what the hell this screenshot represents. Marasi getting a job? Doesn’t Marasi already have a job?

Marasi: It’s nice to know that you care.

Annabeth continues to be the best mumma – her parenting skills are only eclipsed by those of Billy and Remus, the literal greatest parents anyone has every seen.

Eileen continues to not care, while also vomiting up her guts into the nearest bathroom.

Including running out of their bedroom, away from their en suite, and into someone else’s. EA, please.

And now it’s Eileen’s turn to pop again!

Eileen: Didn’t I just have a baby?

Yes, but don’t you want to have lots of babies!?

We’ve gotta make a start on those portraits; I’ve been forgetting recently and losing points for not doing those. And hey, how am I going to know who’s urn is whose in the mausoleum!?

Literally the only things going on in this household right now are just baby cuddles. And literally nothing else exciting.

Except that Eileen finally finished Annabeth’s painting!

And that Annabeth went into labour, I guess.

Marasi: Wait, is something interesting going on out here?

Piper: Why, it seems that it might be!

Aaaaaaaaaaaand then everyone comes to freak out about it.

Annabeth: Guys, what’s the fuss about?

Eileen: I know, right? They’re so dramatic.

Annabeth: You were just freaking out with them!?

Marasi: You’re right, I’ve done this four time before myself. I don’t need to panic for you.

Annabeth: Wait, I wouldn’t mind some company!

Annabeth: Piper!?

Piper: Shhhhhhh, I’m reading.

Annabeth: I hate you all.

Annabeth: Except you, little baby, I don’t hate you.

And this little cutie is Leah Gordon! She was born Grumpy and Loves the Cold, also loving the colour Irish Green!! If she has purple hair, she will be perfect!

8.6 – The One Without Mourning

Welcome back, folks, to the home of a legacy penned by a woman who just spelled ‘welcome’ wrong four times! Aren’t you guys lucky!?

On the other hand, I’m starting this post fresh off the back of the last one, so I don’t have any inane nonsense to bore you with this time. Now you really are lucky!

Vin: No, it’s me who’s lucky! It’s my birthday AND I’m getting screentime!!

Don’t expect it to last, though.

Hey, remember when you were my favourite?

Vin: I was never anybody’s favourite, you know that.

That’s not true!

She looks the exact same, and she still hasn’t taken off that damn lifeguard suncream.

Vin: I’ve been wearing it for so long that I think it’s a permanent part of my face now.

Marasi: I’m so glad you included me in this post, considering how you shut me out completely from the last one.

Oh, bite me. You had an entire post dedicated to yourself before, you don’t need another one!

Marasi: Right, I’m holding this child hostage until you apologise. I’m the Heiress, damnit!

Alright, I take it back!!

Marasi: Fooled you, I was only planning to teach her to walk! Bow down to my incredible parenting!

Well, you’re doing better than your own mother ever did. She was strongly coerced into teaching you three your skills.

Speaking of the mother, Liz has taken up an almost permanent residence in the fairy house since Shakespeare’s passing, when she’s not playing chess or harassing grandchildren.

Liz: I’m barred from MY OWN house!

It’s technically Marasi’s house, now…


Moving swiftly on!

Lessie, instead of putting any work into her LTW, has taken up residence on the back of the bronco.

At least she’s having fun?

I’m really not sure what’s happening here.

Vin: Come on, you scrawny lump! PUMP THOSE IRONS!

I’m just gonna leave them be.

Although, with Ri distracted, it gives Marasi ample time to finish Piper’s walking training!

Marasi: HA! Take THAT, Allrianne! I can too parent!

But apparently, you can’t use proper English, either.

Super momma continues on her path to wonderhood by moping up the perpetual potty puddle that’s now trying to escape out of the nursery door and into the hallway.

Marasi: I will NOT let baby piss soak into the carpet! … At least, not outside of this room.

… Baby steps?

Liz: … Shakespeare?

Ordinarily, I’d be super sad about this, but you’ve been a crazy annoyance lately, so… I don’t really know how to feel, so I’m just going to feel nothing.

We have healthy coping mechanisms on this blog.

Marasi: Mother! What are you doing, you won’t get to meet your next grandchild!! Wait, why am I sad about that?

Grim: Alright love, up you get. I can hear your husband yelling from the afterlife already.

Liz: But I want more time with my grandchildren!

Grim: Literally nobody wants that.

Rest in peace, my purple rebel.

Lessie: Oh my god, I can’t believe I’ll never be yelled at again!

Marasi: I can’t believe we’ll still going to miss her!

And where were the children throughout the entire debacle?

Percy was in a stranger’s house, and I have no idea how he got there, or even why he’s there.

And Reyna simply had more important things to do.

Reyna: This is a paint representation of a microscopic slide that I took of the toxic sludge on our counter tops in the kitchen.

Ri: I can’t believe I missed my own mother’s death because I was in the bathroom. I’m almost as terrible a daughter as she was a mother!

Wow guys, nothing nice to say about the deceased, huh?


Oh, it’s just Rose.

Rose: So, where’s the best places to nap in this maze of a house? It’s time to go and meet Remus’s grandkids, I guess.

Better than Remus himself, who I don’t think I’ve actually seen since his death??? Buddy, where you AT!?

Rose chooses to go and sleep next to Vin, a fitting choice as they’re easily the most neglected from their time.

Marasi: I have good news and bad news, Piper. Your grandmother has just passed.

And what’s the good news?

Marasi: No, that’s both.


Allrianne: How can you all go on eating breakfast when our mother is dead?

Vin: Oh, is she? I didn’t notice. Just like she didn’t notice ME!

Percy: Did I even meet her?

Kara: I have no personality, so I can’t comment.

Vin: Play catch with me, like Daddy did that one time!

Ri: There is something very wrong with what you just said, and frankly I want no part of it.

Marasi: Lessie. Lessie. Lessie. Lessie, play shuffleboard with me. Play shuffleboard with me.

Lessie: I hate my life.

Ri escaped from the catch clutches and then proceeded to meld herself with the ceiling and the light fixtures.

Like I said, healthy coping mechanisms.

I don’t think there was any permanent damage, but lets face it, all of these Gordons’ have suffered mental damage at some point in their lives.

Vin: Alas, poor Piper will never truly get to know her grandmother!

Marasi: That’s no bad thing, though, is it babyy!?

Piper: Whoooooooooooo?

I doubt anybody recognises this room, but this is the Jasmine room; aka Liz and Shakespeare’s old room.

Because pillow fighting in your dead parents bedroom isn’t weird at all, guys.

Vin: Ninety eight, ninety nine…


I struggle to find personalities for these two. Help me.

Reyna: Hey, mums? Can you help me with this?

Marasi: Can’t talk. Eating.

Marasi: Man, this hurts!!

Kara: I can’t believe you left the bed unmade! How could you do such a thing!?


Lessie: More pressing matters, indeed. Their helpless child is down here starving. Thank plumbob I’m here, right?

Right! Nothing else important going on right now, anyway.

Jk 😉

Yeah, that wasn’t particularly funny, so here’s back to the main event, the birth of our last Generation Nine potential!!

Folks, meet Annabeth Gordon! She’s Artistic and Loves the Outdoors, and she also loves Spooky music, Cheese Tofu Steak, and the colour PINK!

And if you hadn’t guessed by now, or hadn’t been reading the comments, yes, this is a Percy Jackson generation! I feel like Percy gave it away,, but hey, what can ya do?

I think the ‘Daddy Incident’ may have traumatised Allrianne a little more than she let on, because she’s hasn’t really unstuck herself from this thing for a while.

But then again, she’s completed her LTW and is only here as a glorified nanny, so she can do what she likes.

Marasi: Why can’t Annabeth be all cute and cuddly, like Piper?

Do you really want two of them like that?

Marasi: What could go wrong?

HA! Let’s find out!

Lessie: Can’t you stop her crying?

Vin: Yeah, Marasi, shut that baby up!

Marasi: You all suck.

Marasi: I’m out of here. Piper needs me.

Marasi, why.

Kara: It’s the ADD.




Well, if she isn’t disgustingly adorable!!

Annabeth: Ah!

8.4 – The One With The Grandmother

Who leaves a chapter cliffhanger with their Heir giving birth!?!?


I do that a lot.

Without further ado, meet Percy Gordon!

He is Athletic and Excitable, and loves R&B, Pumpkin Pie, and the colour Red!

Shakespeare: Weren’t you giving birth?

Marasi: Old news.

Shakespeare: What did you do with the baby?

It’s okay, Super Auntie Allrianne is on it!

Luckily, everybody wants Percy cuddles!

Everybody is here to attend to Percy’s every beck & call. Unlike Reyna, who sort of just got dumped, even though everybody was always crowded around her.


Shakespeare: Aren’t you a cute baby!?

Just don’t mistake her for one of your children. This is the baby of your youngest baby!

Shakespeare: I feel old.

Liz: Hi, important things going on over here!


Liz: I am very fulfilled in my life right now.


And then she immediately retired.

There’s always a queue in front of Percy’s crib!

Marasi is a surprisingly good mother!!

Mara: It’s residual trauma from my own upbringing experience.

Until she’s struck down by pregnancy sickness. Hey, at least we know baby #3 is on it’s way!!

Ah yes, the perfect thing to do immediately after you throw up.

Marasi: No fear.

Pregnancy pop!!

Marasi: I knew that Bucking Bronco was a bad idea.

You literally did not.


Apparently Shakespeare’s life is worth three lives! Either that, or the Equivalent Exchange theory is completely borked.

Reyna: *is oblivious*

Well, hopefully this won’t affect her development in any way!

I’m also sure this won’t affect her either.

Liz: I can’t get to Percy. This is a problem.

Ri: You’re literally standing on the other baby.

Marasi: Awww, baby….

How about you pick your other baby up off the floor?

Happy birthday, Reyna!!

She rolled Snob!

She’s also got Kara’s nose, so I deeply pity her for that.

And Happy Birthday Percy!! He’s got Shakespeare’s purple eyes!! And he doesn’t have Kara’s pinchy nose!

She rolled the wish to learn the writing skill, and because I’ve managed to lose/forget about the Multitab, we’re doing it the old fashioned way!

Reyna: I want to write a book about how great it am.

Reyna: Is this really the life I was born into?

Lessie: You should be a spare. Spares have more fun!

This spare doesn’t look like she’s having that much fun, actually.

Ri: Oh I’m having fun. I’m just smelling his head.

Yeah, I can’t say I’ve ever understood that.

For once all the triplets are in one place!!

What is that?

Marasi: What do you want from me? I’m grieving!

Yeah, there’s a lot of grieving going on this house right now.

But hey, it’s about to be healed by the birth of Baby #3!!

Because that’s how grieving works.


Only once more.

Tadaaah! Meet Piper Gordon! She is Easily Impressed and Loves the Outdoors! She also loves Latin, Stu Surprise, and the colour White!

Mara: Maaaan that hurt!

One more. You gotta give me one more.

Marasi: But do I have to??

In a shocking turn of events, Marasi starts teaching Percy to walk!

Marasi: I’m a good mother!!

Liz: I’m a great grandmother.

Well, you definitely make a better grandmother than actual mother.

And he learns to walk!! It takes Marasi and Allrianne to accomplish it, but hey!

Marasi: Many hands make light work!

No. Just, no.

Marasi: Okay, I’m proud of this one.

As you should be.

8.3 – The One With The Unsupportive Family

That last post was so damn hard to write, but hey! I made it through!! And now it’s time for the next one, with KARASI BABIES!

The first pregnancy pop of the generation!! And the first pregnancy pop of this post…

Marasi: Gosh, I sure wish I get to savour this wonderful feeling of being pregnant.

To the Bot Station Marasi is chained; there’s a skill to be maxed and an LTW to be completed!

Marasi: Could be worse, I guess.

Sirius: Help me, I’m a poor, starving dog!

Marasi: By any chance are you starving because you’re DEAD?

Droid: I must scan everyone. Come here so I can scan you. Stop whatever you’re doing so I can  S C A N  Y O U.

Ri: Please tell me you can stop that thing?

Marasi: Sadly, no.


Vin: That’s great Mother, but you don’t need to yell.

Marasi: So much for the savouring.


This is… um…


She was born Good and Artistic, loving Pop music, Chilli Con Carne, and the colour Turquoise!

And everyone already loves her.

But, we’ve got a second potential heir to create!! I’ve found in previous generations that by leaving it too long, I’ve ended up with the kiddos spaced out far too far. So this time, we’re going for far too close!

Oh for the love of God…

Kara: Does this seems physically impossible to anyone else, or just me?

Marasi: Yes, I would definitely not have sex with this robot.


Ri: Hot damn I love babies.

Kara: Yeah, that’s not worrying at all. Please give me my daughter.

Marasi: Goodbye, Droid. Thanks for pissing off everyone and then wetting yourself all over the house.

I tried to stop her from scanning every single person in the giant household by installing a Fear of Humans trait chip. Except she was still scanning everyone, and then just peeing herself.

Marasi is a much better mother to her kid that her mother ever was to her.

Marasi: I promise I’ll never mistake you for another baby.

Vin has also taken to swimming everywhere. Including on land.

Vin: I’m fully dedicated to my career!!

Pregnancy pop #2!!!

She also maxed the bot building skill!!! Sentience trait chip here we come!!

Marasi: I’m a genius!

Plus, there’s always time for Reyna cuddles.

Hey, I know we’re only one baby in but does anyone have any guesses for the theme!?

I also realised that I don’t have anyone to paint portraits for this generation!! So, now Marasi’s waiting for the house space to build a new bot, she’s on painting duty.

Marasi: How wonderful.

Oh hey, it’s Reyna’s birthday!! She got Marasi’s hair and Kara’s skin! I think she’s got mostly Kara’s face, but we’ll see!

And after a makeover, she’s super cute!! This hair isn’t the greatest fit on her toddler face, but it goes so hard on her teen/YA face!!

Yes, she’s a teen in game already.

Everyone wants to spend their time cuddling & fussing over Reyna, and let’s face it, who wouldn’t!?

She’s adorable!

Reyna: I’m a cutie!!

Liz & Shakespeare still like to have a good time together, relieving their Uni days.

Shakespeare: No, we don’t talk about Uni.

I’ve been considering moving Allrianne out, but I forgot she’s the only one with any kind of Family Instinct, so we need her.

Mara: IT’S TIME!!

Liz: My second grandchild!!!

Vin: YOU’LL BE OKAY!! A life guard is here!!

Allrianne: We can’t handle more children!!

Mara: You guys are all so supportive.

Liz: Wow, you’re taking so long. I’m going to bed.

Mara: !?

Vin & Ri: Yeah, we’re out too.

Mara: You guys fucking suck.

Shakespeare: It’s okay, Dad’s here!!

Shakespeare: Except I really need to pee and then get some food so, you’re on your own!

Marasi: Thanks for nothing, all of you.




7.11 – The One Where Everything Is Fine

This is a chapter laid out before I put in my new mods (wasted opportunities) but I sent them on a family outing for like, the first time since Generation Two!

Shakespeare: Do you ever think about changing your name and sailing out to sea? Come into port at another town where nobody knows who you are or who you might be, and start all over again?

…. Are you okay?

Shakespeare: What is ‘okay’?

Liz: All I think about these days is napping.

That’s because you’re pregnant with twins.

Liz: You still don’t know that.

Vin: I don’t even know what this is supposed to be anymore.

Art not in your blood, then?

Vin: Sadly, no.

Liz: Ack, that’s cold!

Kell: That was the point!

Guys, it’s really shitty to do family bonding while Vin literally sits in the background, looking sad.

Vin: I’m used to it.

Vin: Daddy’s paying attention to me! What is this feeling!?


Shakespeare: Maybe I should’ve been nicer to her…

Kell: I can’t play with my new friend because Vin’s shitty ‘sculpture’ is in the way!

Other Kid: Don’t get ahead of yourself, I’d hardly call us friends.

Eventually they all manage to sit down to build sandcastles or something, except their friend is literally not interested.

Kid: I don’t want to be friends with these losers. Have you seen them?

Yes. I love them.

Shakespeare: My new name shall be William.

Oh, aren’t you funny.

Shakespeare: Will Fletcher, starting his new life.


Vin: Yessssssss, finally all my dreams have come true! Daddy does love me!

Kell: You could say it’s music to my ears.

Vin: Well I’d rather not.


Liz: Don’t mind me, just a pregnant woman swimming out to sea to get my husband back.

William finally came back and consented to reading a book while sunbathing instead.

Shakespeare: Well, I guess it’s one way to get to another world.

Yeah, but what did you do with your wife?

The I manage to get the first family portrait for another ridiculously long time.

Kell: It looks like somewhere you might go to be murdered…

Don’t be ridiculous.

Meanwhile, Yvaine was left to her own devices at home, so goes for a midnight swim while a zombie ambles around in the background.

Yvaine: Honestly, I’m used to this shit by now.

She had fun, though.

Oh look, it’s ghost party time!

So I can see Lori, Joel, Brendan, Boa, Brick at the back, and I think that might be Eli half behind the lamppost?

Why are the ghosts obsessed with the massage table!?

Billy: I died here, and this pregnant woman is in need. She’s carrying more of my grandchildren!

Liz: I’m like 200% sure this is horribly unhealthy for my bump, but whatever it feels good.

Billy: If I treat her back like a dartboard, something’s bound to hit the right spot?

Considering she came away with the Finding Nirvana moodlet, I’d say you did a good job!

Um. Liz wtf?

Yeah, I have no idea what caused these next few screenshots, only that they’re utterly priceless and I will treasure each one for ever more.


Liz: What are all these dead people doing in my house?

Vin: Empress Vin, back again! I’m here with the blessing and love from my father!

My two virtuosos are bonding!

Also, it appears that Vin & Kell came away from the family outing with tans!

Vin: Oh, is this for me? You don’t need to spoil me or anything, just because daddy loves me –

It’s your birthday. Everyone gets one.

Vin: I’m so glad you could all make it here to my party!

They’re literally coded to be here; what happened to you?

Okay she’s a super cutie! And somehow, managed to roll Charismatic.

Shy and Charismatic. I can’t see how this would possibly go wrong, can you?

Liz: Oh, I’ve suddenly come over all strange…

Shakespeare: Is it the fog? Or maybe being back in here after so long.

Liz: Nope…

Liz: Oooh, this song is a good one!


And then Shakespeare suddenly stops caring.

Shakespeare: She’s done this twice already and I have plants to water.

Meet Marasi Gordon! She is Perceptive and Friendly, and her favourite colour is LIME. I thought I’d escaped the lime!

Right, where’s the second one?


Liz: I literally hate you so much right now.


Meet Allrianne Gordon! She is Clumsy and Easily Impressed, and her favourite colour is Spiceberry! Because Spiceberry and Lime isn’t going to look utterly tragic.

Liz: Are you happy now?


Vin: So uh, what should I do with this one?


Meet Lessie Gordon, the accidental triplet baby, because Liz decided to spite me. AKA, backfiring fertility treatment baby. Lessie is a Brave Loner, and her favourite colour is Pink.

Yvaine, however, obliviously plays bass throughout the whole entire thing. Vin’s birthday and the triplets birth were missed events.

Yvaine: I don’t care what you think, as long as it’s about me-e!

And the Fall Out Boy is back.

Kell: This is good shit.

Welp, there goes Kell forever.

Shakespeare: I have five children. My wife just had triplets. We have three babies. I don’t know where I got this ball from.

Are you sure you’re okay…?

Vin: Three more siblings to compete with – I’m just going to drown myself now while I still can.

Wait, who’s being abducted!? Please not Liz. PLEASE NOT LIZ.

Oh it’s just Sonny.

Never mind.

Liz: Which baby is this?


Liz: Which baby is this?


Liz: Which baby is this?


To save future confusion, I decided to bite the bullet and age the triplets up now, because I can barely tell them apart as it is.

Happy birthday #1!

I missed the birthday shot for #3 because she ran away, but happy birthday #2!

Liz: This is fine. Everything is fine.

I sense some stress.

There goes one of the triplets. Guess it’s twins now!

I am so sad.

Seriously, before I could even get makeovers on them (I wanted to save first), they just took off and started doing laps around the house. YOU’RE NOT DOGS. STOP THAT.


I managed to get Triplet #2 back (Shakespeare incredibly late for the party), and this is Allrianne!

Also, check out those butterflies (the actual subject of this picture).

Allrianne is the black haired, spiceberry coloured baby.

Marasi is the purple haired, lime coloured baby. Because that’s not utterly disgusting!

Marasi: Why do you hate me already?

You’re a walking eyesore.

And Lessie is the sludge haired, pink coloured baby. Also, a fairy.

This is going to be easy, right?

Haha ha ha… hahahaha. Help me.

First port of call; put the sprogs in the walkers and let them play bumper cars with them or something.

Liz: I don’t see this going wrong at all.

Lessie: You’re in my way.


Liz: Called it.

Marasi: Okay, triplet team meeting!

Lessie: Do we have to be here?

Allrianne: It’s not a triplet team meeting without all the triplets present, silly.

I think that’s Shakespeare’s nose and mouth. Almost certainly Liz’s face and eye shape. Also Liz’s purple/blue eye colour!

Marasi: It’s good to be a good mix, right?

Yes, even if your choice of colours is hideously unfortunate.

I genuinely can’t tell from this picture, but from memory I think she’s got all of Liz’s features and Shakespeare’s face shape. Maybe Shakespeare’s eyes, too, because she’s got the golden eyes, which I’m pretty sure are a Rourke thing, because I can’t remember any of my heirs having those before.

Vin: Rose, your dog breath is really not helping me with this maths homework.

Rose: I ain’t moving!

Vin: … The stress must be getting to me, I could’ve sworn I just heard you talk!

I don’t have favourites.

Kell: Just so you all know, I’m still here. I still live here. I’d like some screentime.



Liz: Sonny, I’d like to examine you to find out why you’ve become a hairpiece.

Sonny: Do you think there’s bugs?

Liz: You just tried to have an elder birthday. I think there’s a lot of bugs.

Liz: Don’t worry, Lessie! Mummy’s got you!

Liz: Okay, Allrianne, time to learn to talk. Then, we can give you a nickname.

Allrianne: Please!

Look at this cutie! I want to say prepare for tons of toddler spam, but they’re now children in my game and I really can’t remember how many pictures I took of them XD

The verdict on Sonny; there were far too many bugs with her and so she got deleted. I’m sad, but maybe somebody will roll Bot Fan and we can have another Bot!

This post has 63 screenshots 😀

OH, and I nearly forgot! Despite telling myself I would wait until the end of SimNaNo to do anything on this, I’ve set up a blog for Dead Girl Walking. It is in no way finished or anything (I haven’t even updated the home page from the stock one WordPress gives you), but I’m also working on the first post for it, so it should get a makeover and the first post within the next few days!

7.9 – The One With Frank

It’s that time of year again, folks! Those of you who aren’t part of Boolprop will have no idea what I’m talking about (can you remember back as far as last year? I can barely remember last month), but it’s time for SimNaWriMo!

The rules are slightly different this year, as in it’s probably easier to reach Gold this time. Last year I need to make 10 posts of 20 pictures or more (I made 10 posts of 40 pictures, so basically got Gold two times over XD ), whereas this year, I just need to do enough posts to total 200 pictures across the month, so no week and a half of 40 pictures updates this time around.

With that in mind, here’s the first post of SimNaWriMo. I started this post about a week ago and have snarled to a halt on the writing front. Despite this blog being significantly easier to write than my book, my brain is trying to insist that I write that instead. Only, I open it and then my brain says “nope! Back to sims!”. So here I am, with two writing documents open and getting nothing done.

Pray for me.

Vin: Mummy play with Vin?

Liz: Mummy has better stuff to do.

Vin: 😦

I feel like there’s no point me telling you that I don’t remember what this screenshot was for. It was probably some kind of work opportunity, but I have literally no idea why I took the screenshot and probably should start making notes on this stuff.

I say that, but I’ve been saying I’ll start taking notes on this stuff for the whole two years of running this legacy. So I’m not hopeful.

Shakespeare: Sleep tight, little Vin.

Vin: Daddy read to Vin?

Shakespeare: Nah.

Aren’t you going to take care of your baby? Don’t you want her to grow up well and get good traits?

Liz: I am. I’m building her new traits right now!


Liz: You’re talking about Sonny, right?

I think this is the point where Sonny gets the Competent Cleaner trait chip?

Liz: It’s more likely this is where she gets the Handibot trait chip and that she got Competent Cleaner last time, and you’re just stupid.



Liz: Damn you’re needy, aren’t you?

She’s a bABY!

WonderMum then continues to love her plants more than her own child.

Liz: These are my children.

So is Vin!!

Luckily, little Vin is quite happy with her own company. To an extent, anyway.

Vin: I love Vin!

You go, kid. Be your own hero!

I’m not sure if Sonny’s just bugged, but she keeps picking Vin up out of the playpen. Yet because she doesn’t have the RoboNanny trait, all she can do is put Vin back in the pen.

It would be funny if it wasn’t so annoying.

Vin: Daddy play with Vin?

Shakespeare: You need to learn your skills or the Watcher will never let us hear the end of it.

Please love your poor daughter.

Shakespeare: Do you know what we need to do?

Liz: To stop talking while kissing?

Shakespeare: Yes, but that’s not what I meant.

Is this to show that Yvaine maxed the drum skill? Probably, but as always I have no idea.

Yvaine: I’m glad you appreciate me so.

The Dream Team are at it again, there are too many plants for Liz to cope with alone.

Liz: Soo… how was your day?

Shakespeare: I’ve had better, to be honest. You?

Liz: I wasn’t talking to you, I was talking to the plant.

Shakespeare: Oh.

Yvaine has definitely mastered the drum skill, there’s no other reason I’d move her on to the bass otherwise.

Yvaine: Why do you hate me?

I don’t! I love you!

Happy birthday, Yvaine! Time to be a responsible adult.

Yvaine: A what now?

Honestly, I can’t remember if she had a midlife crisis or not, but she really doesn’t look that much different.

Yvaine: I’m youthful as fuck.

Liz: I’m so tired of this stupid throwing up nonsense. Can’t one baby be enough?

No. And you’re giving me twins this time, okay?

Liz: You can’t possibly know that.

I can certainly try.

Liz: I’m suddenly feeling considerably more maternal… Hey, baby!

Vin: Mummy does love Vin!

Liz: You know, I feel like I might actual be ready to be a parent this time around.

Well that’s good, considering you’re going to give me twins.

Liz: You really can’t be sure of that.

Vin: Vin’s birthday time!

Whoops, guess what I forgot!?

Happy birthday kiddo, sorry your parents neglect you! She rolled Shy.

This is Shakespeare on the phone to one of his siblings.

Shakespeare: Have you tried turning it off and back on again? …. Just because I’m good with computers doesn’t mean I want to fix yours – what do you mean that’s what brothers are for!? Goodbye, Tristan.

Vin has now discovered video games.

Vin: They love me like my parents never did! It’s much easier to be friends with these characters than real people.


Yvaine: If this makes me feel younger, it’s worth it.

Shakespeare: I see why Una enjoyed this so much.

Vin: Hey, will you be my new mummy?

Sierra: Absolutely.

Vin: A-are you sure? You don’t even want to ask me any-

Sierra: Nope.

Hey Sutter, long time no see!

Sutter: Nope.

Oh, don’t be such a horses ass.

Lori: Look here, you. I know my husband was a jockey, but that does not mean that I like horses.

Liz: This kids music is quite annoying. Any chance you could turn it off so I can focus on my baby book?

Nope. You are giving me twins, damnit.

While the music may have the benefit of boosting Liz’s chances of having twins, it unfortunately comes with the negative side effect of attracting dancing fairies.

I also just realised that I haven’t changed Peter into his younger version, but that’s fine because nobody liked him anyway.

Vin definitely has Liz’s features, and they don’t translate will into children – she gets this weird lip pull whenever she eats.

Vin: I don’t need you picking on me, too.

If I said you were my favourite, would that help? Sorry, what was that? I don’t have favourites.

Vin: So um, you’re having another baby? I’m getting a brother or a sister?

Liz: You are. I think the Watcher wants you to get both.

I don’t care what they are, as long as there’s two of them.

Vin: Um, not to be rude or anything but, um, why?

Liz: Well.. honestly – uh, to be frank –

Vin: Please don’t be Frank, just be yourself.



Look at this innocent and handsome face. Your dads loved you more than anything, how did they go so wrong!?

Shakespeare: … Why is my wife being Frank?

It hurts.

Shakespeare: Wife, I have come to inquire as to why you’re changing your name to Frank.

Liz: I’m not.

Vin: It’s a figure of speech.

Shakespeare: Good, because I quite like you how you are.

Vin: Oh please. You’re blocking the TV.

Why did you make an entire plate of cookies when you’re the only one hungry?

Vin: I’m eating my feelings.

Can confirm, does not work.

Both Rose and Yvaine are still here, and are equally neglected.

Shakespeare: Ash fell from the sky. Vin watched the downy flakes drift through the air. Leisurely. Careless. Free. The puffs of soot fell like black snowflakes, descending upon the dark city of Luthadel. They drifted in corners, blowing in the breeze and curling in tiny whirlwinds over the cobblestones. They seemed so uncaring. What would that be like? Vin, are you sure you want to read this?

Vin: Maybe my namesake will understand me.

Vin: I’ll build my own Luthadel and name myself empress!

Isn’t that basically the plot of the the second and third book?

Vin: Except this time everyone will actually love me.

Liz: Pay attention to me. I’m having a baby over here.

You mean babies, right?

Liz: Absolutely. Whatever you say.

This time I thought I’d let the poor woman have her twins in the hospital this time, instead of struggling at home in the greenhouse.

Shakespeare: Ooh, look at that pretty –

Liz: NOPE.

Vin: And empress Vin reigned forever over the Luthadel that she helped build with her own hands, and all that lived there loved her!

Vin: Soon I’ll be able to be the empress of my siblings!

I’m very sure that’s not how it works.

So uh, where’s the second one?

Liz: About that…

WHAT!? But I did everything right!! I made you read all the pregnancy books, I made you listen to that incessant kids music while you gardened and while you read the pregnancy books, and I even made you watch kids TV!!

Liz: Shit happens.

There was a lot of overly dramatic flailing and yelling over this, let me tell you.

Liz: Vin, get off that computer and come and celebrate your brother’s birthday.

Vin: You’re not the boss of me!

Liz: I’m your mother.

Vin: Caroline is my mother now!

Vin: The empress watches from a far; she should always been seen to take an interest into those born in her kingdom, but never too close.

Liz: Alright, I’m out.

I thought you were gonna be a better mother this time!?

Liz: I lied.

Well, at least Shakespeare’s still here.

So, here’s the SINGLE baby that made me so angry, but I’m glad I got to use his name.

Kelsier Gordon! He likes the colour black, Dark Wave music, and Ratatouille. Strange tastes for a toddler, but this is the sims.

He’s also cute as fuck!

He also does have some traits, and they are Loves the Outdoors and Virtuoso. How many virtuosos has this legacy produced, now? I swear that’s at least one per generation!

That’s also total crap, it’s just Ella, Boomer, Yvaine & Victoria. It feels like more than that, for some reason.

Liz: So which nanites do I need for which traits? Honestly, if you’d just start taking notes or looking it up, I wouldn’t have to come back down here every time you wanted to check something.

Don’t call me out like this.

Vin: Empress Vin does not have technological advancements like this in her kingdom!

Vin’s reaction to the Bot Building station was so cute.

Vin is seriously hooked on video games at the moment.

Vin: Wynne is my mother now!

Okay, that’s definitely enough video games for you.

Liz: Fancy a tune up?

Sonny: I really don’t like the way you’re wiggling that screwdriver at me, nor am I sure exactly where it’s supposed to fit, but you’re the boss, boss.

Does anybody else see something wrong with this picture?

Somehow, I don’t think this is quite the right function for a Plumbot… And I’m already sure she’s glitched, I don’t think we should really be adding water into the mix!

I am genuinely unbelievably salty that Liz didn’t have twins. With the exception of the fertility treatment, I did literally everything that Google told me to do! And nope, one boy.

This post is 55 pictures in length! And also took me about a month to write.

7.8 – The One With All The Plants

So in the interest of making myself look like an idiot on the internet, turns out my first 7.8 was entirely empty. Because why wouldn’t I title the chapter, then forget to fill it with pictures and move on to the next one? I mean, I guess it means this generation isn’t quite so monstrous & that we’re one step closer to babies!

Shakespeare: Did somebody say babies?

Yes, babies.

Shakespeare: But how can we have babies when we have all these plants to look after?

Liz: We can’t possibly have any babies, you’re about to make me sell them all.

Those are your vegetables.

Liz: Same difference.

Liz’s other baby is stuck in an endless cycle of floor mopping, as she doesn’t yet have the HandiBot trait chip.

Sonny: You know, I’d really like that chip. I’m also thinking a sense of humour chip and the capacity to love chip.

You’re a live-in maid, you can’t have feelings.

Lori: Do you wanna build a snowman?

No. That joke is dead. Dead and buried, just like you.

Lori: I was just trying to be nice.

Hey, look who it is!

Billy: I couldn’t stay away from my kids; how are they?

You’ve been dead three days. Nothing interesting has happened.

Sonny: Are you done with that? Would you like me to clean that up?

Shakespeare: You’ve just watched me pick it up.

Sonny: So you’re done with the plate then?

I am not nearly competent enough to tell you why Liz is doing gardening while singed, but I’m pretty sure she got blown up at work for some unknown reason.

Liz: Nothing like gardening while listening to a tabcast to help you unwind after a stressful day.

Shakespeare: I beg to differ.

After realising that most trait chips required crystal plants from the future, and being highly reluctant towards going there again, I discovered Bubbles had passed a load of plantable fragments down after her trip to the future!

Cue synchronised kindness charging.

Shakespeare: So now my parents are gone, this bed is fair game?

Liz: All beds are fair game as long as you keep your shoes out of them.


I know this picture had a purpose once, but I cannot for the life of me remember what it might have possibly been.

Shakespeare: Are you impressed by my shirtless chest?

Liz: Incredibly. Let’s go to bed.

Is this all you guys do?

Shakespeare: I was just keeping her company before I leave for work. What were you thinking of? Get your brain out of the gutter.

Liz: Plants. I was thinking of plants.

Shakespeare: Be quiet honey, you’re supposed to be asleep.

These two are really are the Dynamic Dream Team; I got Shakespeare involved in Liz’s garden innuendo much as some what of a joke, but he seems to love it for some reason.

Shakespeare: Any reason to spend time near my darling wife, even if her work uniform is somewhat unfortunate.

Liz: You know what’s really unfortunate? That I can’t hear you through this tabcast.

Liz: I can’t think of any words befitting this wonderful moment.

Blossom: I can. “Whoop-dee-doo.”

Liz: Rude.

Liz, why are you outside the grocery store again?

Liz: Beats me. Aren’t you the one directing and organising this thing?

Like hell I am.

Shakespeare: I’ll finish Liz’s snowman, don’t you worry!

I wasn’t, but thanks.

Shakespeare: There! Perfect!

Jesus fucking christ, dude.

Billy’s back, again.

Billy: Why would I want to stay in the netherworld when my children are here? I heard we’re going to have grandkids soon!

Maybe you should bring Remus with you next time, then?

Okay, so I don’t know who died or why I thought it was a good idea to go and send the robot to collect their urn, but hey here we are.

Sonny: What is this place?

It’s like silicon heaven, but for humans.

Sonny: It’s where all the calculators go!?

Yeah, so I don’t remember what this screenshot’s purpose was either.

Yvaine: It’s that woman. She’s asking me on another date!

Guess she didn’t take the hint.

Yvaine: Maybe I could tell her I’m straight.

Um, Liz? What are you doing?

Liz: If I have to flirt with a plant to get it to reach it’s full potential then so be it.

Liz: This is not the outcome I was expecting, I’ll say that much.

Wow, your pregnancy lasted about five minutes.

Liz: For you, maybe.

Shakespeare: Those plants really are great. Who needs babies!

You. Your wife is literally giving birth in the shack behind you.

Shakespeare: Nah, you kid.


Shakespeare: This is some good spaghetti. Good thing there’s nothing going on so I can have time to fully appreciate this meal.

Yvaine: You okay there, bro?

Shakespeare: I’m peachy!

Looks like it’s just you and me, Liz.

Liz: You mean just me and my plants.


Here she is! The first baby of Generation Eight! This little burrito baby is Vin Gordon, and she is Excitable and she Loves the Cold. Her favourite colour is grey, and she likes Island Life music and Shawarma!

Liz: So you plant it in the ground to make it grow, right?

No, that’s a baby not a vegetable.

Liz: Is this better?

Dear God, what have I gotten myself into?

Yvaine: Hi, I’d like to request a refund on this small child. I don’t know who requested it but we don’t want it.

Yes you do, that’s your niece. Play nice, you’re going to get more of these.

Yvaine: I’ll convert them all to the way of Fall Out Boy.

Shakespeare: Plant, did you hear!? I have a daughter! Her name is Vin and nobody is going to get the reference because it’s such a dumb name!

What is with you all today? Also, have you actually met your daughter yet?

Shakespeare: Hello little Vin! Hello my dear darling daughter!

That’s more like it.

Shakespeare: Alright, I’m done with my parenting now.

… Never mind.

Yvaine: Look at this cute snowman I just made!

Now careful it doesn’t turn into a 9ft flying snow demon!!
*DnD flashbacks*

Shakespeare: Whoo, this parenting stuff is hard work!

You literally haven’t done a thing.

Shakespeare: Consider this preparation, then.

Shakespeare: Wow, she sure needs a lot of attention, doesn’t she?

She’s a baby. She literally depends on you to live.

Shakespeare: That’s a lot of responsibility.

Liz: My plants are dying due to neglect. I hope this isn’t foreshadowing, lol.

It had better not be!

Shakespeare: So I have one girl for adoption; she’s fairly quiet but really demanding –


Shakespeare: What? You don’t remember what I was actually doing, so I’m improvising.

I hate you.

Liz: Wow, this skill builds so slowly. If only there was a way for me to learn it while doing other things!

Haha yeah, if only! Wait a second…

It’s tabcast time! We really abuse the hell out of this thing for Liz and the Handiness skill, I’m pretty sure she’d never have maxed it if it wasn’t for this thing.

Shakespeare: Ew, what’s all this crap? You couldn’t have put something useful here, like a microscope?

Those don’t even exist in this game.

Tristan: Hi, Yvaine!

Shakespeare: What is this nutter doing here?

Shakespeare: Hey, I don’t know how to tell you this, but I think you must have made a mistake. You don’t live here any more!

Una: Hey, when did we get a new dog?

Because I actually like Una, I fixed her hair for her.

Yvaine: Did you hear? I’ve maxed Guitar and Piano, and I’m nearly there with my drum skill, too!

Una: You have my approval.

Victoria: What do we say to him?? We went to Uni without him, for llama’s sake!

Shakespeare: I don’t know, it wasn’t my choice to invite him!

Look, I felt sorry for him.

Yvaine: Hot damn, I can’t wait to eat that cake!

Liz: It’s my daughter’s birthday, first.

Yvaine: I call dibs on the second slice!!

Even Sonny’s here to celebrate Vin’s birthday!

I decided to redecorate that little hallway because nobody was using the chairs and while cute, were kind of impractical. This, while no more practical, at least gives more bonuses to the Beautifully Decorated and Beautiful Vista moodlets. Because I’m all about those moodlets ’bout those moodlets, no negatives.

Anyway, back to the real event here; Vin’s birthday!

I have the babies lifespan set to about two days, so the time really did go as fast as it seems.

Vin: Hi, I’m cute!

Yes, she is! It seems that she has most of Liz’s facial features, but with Shakespeare’s jaw & colouring!

Liz: Okay, birthday over. Plants now.

Yvaine: I have had so much cake. Time to go work that off!

Una: Don’t worry, little one. Auntie Una will look after you!

Victoria: Somehow, you’ve managed to turn hitting things in to some kind of music!

Yvaine: Thanks. I’ve dedicated my entire life to it.

Victoria: Savage.

Vin: Hello??? Anyone there!? I’m starving!! This is child abuse!!

And where are the wonder parents during Vin’s crisis?

Fighting over who gets to water this tree.

Liz: It’s my tree, I planted it, I get to water it!

Shakespeare: But I got here first! And I’m only here to help you!

Someone did eventually feed poor Vin, and I gave her a haircut! None of my girls have really had short hair and I thought she looked cute with this.

Vin: I’m cute!

Liz: Wheee! Fly high, little Vin!

Vin: Chase the wind and touch the sky?

I’d love to use this as a ‘Liz isn’t actually a bad parent’ picture, but that would be a lie. Liz & Shakespeare are horrible parents unless directed otherwise. I don’t know how Billy & Remus, the best sim parents I’ve ever encountered, could have gone so wrong.

It’s been a while since there’s been a toddler in the house, so prepare yourselves for spam. Vin’s so cute!

Liz: Into the conveniently placed walker you go, little Vin!

Apparently someone is not happy about the idea of being left to her own devices. It doesn’t get any better, kid.


Vin: Daddy love me?

Shakespeare: Daddy’s going to work right now, kid. Holy llama Yvaine, what is that?

Yvaine: My work uniform. It’s hideous, isn’t it?

It’s only fitting that our founder is around in the same post as the birth of generation eight! Even if all she’s doing is having a nap and building snowmen.

Lori: This is my life now.


6.7 – The One With The Children

Want to know a fun thing that happened in recent days?



The monitor on the left is my Christmas present to myself! Well, I guess technically it’s from my nan because she’s the one who gave me money for Christmas, but technicalities. The rainbow keyboard was an asked for birthday present from my parents – it’s a Poseidon Z RGB and I won’t bore you with details 😛

As you can just about make out, there is a PlayStation 2 on the left-hand side (there’re two controllers sitting on top), and that is the real reason I bought the second monitor; it has speakers! I’ve found a way to run my PS2 (and even the Wii XD ) through an HDMI cable and use my monitors here, only there’s no sound. Until now!

Anyway, details of my desk are not what you came here to read, so on with the post!

RECAP; Una was cute, Bubbles died but Sirius brought her back, Martin rediscovered his future Sprite, the world’s most annoying pap found an electric guitar, Sutter got old, Martin died, Una started learning toddler skills, Remus adopted a boy called Tristan, the ghost of Michael decided to meditate in the dining room, Tristan turned out to be a witch, and Bubbles died again, but for real this time.


Una can now officially pee responsibility!


Play-table bonding!

I realise that I didn’t say this last chapter, but Tristan’s favourite colour is purple. I’ve also gone with specific clothing patterns for all the kids this generation; Una has birds (not that you can see them in this outfit) and Tristan has castles!


Happy birthday, Una!

Billy: What? Birthday? Why am I missing this!


Remus: Why couldn’t Bubbles have been here to see this!?

Instead of crying over what you don’t have, why don’t you focus on what you do have?


Una: Like me!

You seeing the bird theme now? She rolled Disciplined as her child trait; it’s like an even more badass Lyra! I didn’t know such a thing was even possible…


After finishing her cake, Una takes up residence in one of the new chairs (did I ever point out that the new chairs and table are stuff pack items too? Probably not) and reads a book, like her late grandmother. In fact, I think that might even be one of her late grandmother’s books!

Tonks: Who are you? You smell like Remus, you look a little bit like Remus, but you are definitely not Remus.


This eyesore is Una and Tristan’s room because eventually they’ll have to share. There are only so many rooms in this house, and I definitely need those two bathrooms!


Children can hug toddlers!? When did this feature become a thing!?

I don’t care, it’s adorable.


They can play peek-a-boo, too!?


He’s so surprised!


This is too much. Honestly.

I left them doing this for a good few sim hours, and they made it to best friends really quickly.


Una: Are there pirates on the horizon!?

I don’t know, are there?

Una: Avast, me hearties!

Who are you talking to!?


This is her full everyday look, and she’s on her way to her first day at school!

Una: Can I not just stay at home and be taught here? We have, what, six generations of knowledge in this house? What does school even get me?

Friends? Good traits?


Tristan is left alone with the block table, which satisfies his loner trait so he’s a happy kid. That’s one thing I love about the loner trait, sims are generally happy to be left well alone, which works for me because I’m a horrifically negligent simmer when it comes to babies XD


Tristan: Yay, alone time!


Una: Can I go back to being a toddler? Learning to walk was way easier than maths.

Unfortunately not.


Speaking of learning to walk, it’s Tristan’s turn!

Though I think this is him completing it, because I don’t see a skill bar here.


Una: Chess is hard too, I don’t know why I find this fun.

Do you like anything?

Una: I like complaining.


I recently freed all my gnomes, and one of them died! 😦 I’ve also gotten a load of dog and horse gnomes from having the animals around for so long.


Gnome graveyard!


Remus: Pay attention to me, your wonderful heir!

Beaky: Please forgive him, I think he hit his head kind of hard doing… something.


After torturing his poor horse with his madness, Remus returns inside to torture his child with it instead.


They’re cute, too!


Tristan and Una are two or three days apart (or at least they should be), so it’s birthday time for Mr Witch!


Jet propelled sparkles?


He rolled clumsy, just like his father!

I should specify that in this case the father is Remus. This is the only problem with couples with the same pronouns!


Tristan: Dad look, I’m a child now.

Reums: That’s nice, sweetie. Who’s a good dog!?

Tristan: *sigh*


Billy has been overcome with a great love towards the stable’s replacement and is often throwing hay around.

Billy: I feel strong and manly.



He also loves his husband.

I will go on and on about how gross these two are until their dying days.


Billy: Yes, I think we’re ready for our third child now.

The dice command it!

Seriously, I don’t want a massive age gap between the last child and Una, else the last one is under-developed character wise and doesn’t stand much of a chance in the poll…


Una didn’t bother coming home, instead deciding to do her homework on the front steps.

Behind her is Somebody Mae-Sw0rd, so should keep an eye on her; apparently, Cycl0n3 Sw0rd makes some cute babies, and I’ve always liked Zelda Mae and her family. Though I assume those two are probably dead by now, because didn’t we move to Sunset Valley when Bubbles was coming up to her YA birthday? So, I have no idea who the parents of this kid are, but she has those names so good genes may be a thing!?


Finally, she decides to cycle home only a mere hour away from her curfew, and there’s a surprise waiting for her at home!

Una: Ooh, a surprise? Will I like it? Is it a potions station!?

Well, no.


It’s sibling number three! Meet Yvaine Gordon, a clumsy virtuoso who loves the colour orange!

Her theme is stars; I know I gave those to Amy as well, but Yvaine is literally a star XD


Tristan: Good evening, Sirs, Madams.

Wanna show them a magic trick? Make them appear for real.

Tristan: Rude.


Sutter: You have a strange smell about you, young one…

Tristan: That’s rude; I showered this morning!

Sutter: No, the smell of magic.

Tristan: Oh.


I finally remembered that there are toddler toys in the family inventory and dug them out for Yvaine. Of course, she immediately goes for the xylophone. I wouldn’t expect anything less from our little virtuoso.


Yvaine: Stick taste good.

Musically gifted, they say…


Billy has now decided to replace that annoying pap by taking up the guitar skill.

Billy: If I learn it now, I can help Yvaine when she’s older!


Remus: Sooo, what are you reading?

Una: A book.

Remus: What’s it about? Is it good?

Una: If it wasn’t good, I wouldn’t be reading it.


Now it’s Yvaine’s turn to learn how to pee properly.


Tristan: Good book?

Una: The next person to interrupt me while I’m reading is going to get hit by this book.

Tristan: Sorry I asked!

Una: You will be.


Remus, is your bathrobe really the right thing to be wearing a sandpit? Sand gets everywhere.


Remus: There are showers and washing machines in this house, you know.


Elisha: Who is this? How am I related to her?

She is your… Um…

So you’re Generation Two, which makes you Lyra’s aunt? That makes Yvaine your Great Great Great Great niece?

Yvaine: This family is weird.

You don’t know anything yet, kid.


Of course Elisha’s watching the gardening channel XD

Does anyone remember when Elisha’s garden got deleted? Or did it survive up until the move to Sunset Valley, where I never bothered to recreate it because nobody liked gardening?


Una’s also autonomously taken up ballet dancing! Or at least, she would do more often if dogs didn’t keep interrupting her.


Sirius: Food.

Tristan: Your bowl is full?

Sirius: Food please.

Tristian: But your bowl is full???


Billy has mastered diving, or something similar; he gets to do super fancy flips and look really cool.

This picture doesn’t do it justice.


And Yvaine learns to walk!


Una: Sheesh, this dog is freaking huge!

Tonks: I will take that as compliment, not you calling me fat.


Tristan: You know what, this castle sucks. It’s not even close to Hogwarts standards. I am a disappointment.


Sutter: Human, what are you doing!?

Tristan: Building a castle…?

Sutter: Unacceptable.


It seems that Billy and Harry have something in common!

They’re both desperate to be popular.


Una: Peek-a-boo!

It seems Miss Complains-About-Everything doesn’t complain about spending time with her siblings.


Seriously, this interaction is cute and I hope you guys think the same because you’re gonna be bombarded with endless badly captioned pictures of it.




I was complaining about needing a skilling room, when I was given the great idea (I think by my boyfriend) of using the attic’s deadspace.

In the actual skyrim house, there’s a basement, but unfortunately you can’t put a basement through foundations, at least not without some great difficulty. I’ll probably give it another crack at some point, because it’ll be easier for pictures and nicer for my sims to have a basement!

In fact, I’m gonna go and have another go at it now. If it works, you’ll see it in 6.9!

Tristan: Can we talk about where I’m going, now?

Oh yeah, right.


The little witch here has been rolling wishing about buying an Alchemy table and acquiring elixirs and shit, so I got him this!

I’m also using the ‘No Stretch’ Children Can series mod for alchemy. I’m not sure if this makes his alchemy a hidden skill, but we’ll see soon enough!


Yvaine: Dada two!

Billy: Alright, I don’t know what Remus has been teaching you, but I’m number one around here.


Billy: You’ll clean the house for me, won’t you, Yvaine?

Yvaine: No.

Billy: *internal screaming*


Apparently, in getting old, Sirius has lost the ability to play with toys.

Sirius: I’m old.


Yvaine has also discovered the block table, but as Una and Tristan are at school, it looks kind of lonely.


Though Yvaine’s quite happy slamming blocks into the table.

Yvaine: Die block die!



Tristan: Why does it have stabilisers?

Because you’re a child?

Tristan: Una’s bike doesn’t have stabilisers, and Harry Potter was Gryffindor seeker at 11.

One, I don’t make the rules, and two, you’re not Harry Potter.


Couldn’t wait to get inside to start your homework?

Una: The house smells funny.

What? Why?



Tristan: I don’t know what she’s said, but it’s not true.

So you’re not stinking the house out, then?

Tristan: Okay, that was true.


Remus: Can you smell something? I can’t tell through my cold.

Billy: You gave me your cold, of course I can’t smell anything.

Remus: Must have imagined it, then.


With the noxious alchemy fumes abated, Una comes back into the house to play racing games.

Una: Aunt Ginny left a hacked version of GTA on these laptops. Dad doesn’t know about it.

That’s an 18!! You’re like, 8!!


The manly man is back throwing hay around again. I assure you, as somebody who’s had about 12 years of hay-throwing experience, there’s nothing particularly manly about it.

Billy: This is my favourite past time other than talking to myself. Don’t ruin this for me.


Remus really loves that bathrobe. Honestly, he spends literally 90% of his time wearing it.

Remus: Are you talking shit about my bathrobe?


…. I think his screenshot once had meaning, but I’ve forgotten now. I’m pretty sure this was just some random kid on the lot, but I’m just laughing at Pyjama Man and Beaky in the background XD


Billy: I know this was my idea, but are you sure that more kids are a good idea?

Always. I’m full of good ideas!

Billy: What about that good idea where you deleted the back half of the house trying to install stairs?

Yeah, we don’t talk about that.

Did you know that on January 14th 2016, I posted the chapter 3.5? That means I’ve done three generations in the last year, and I’ve got a good chance of finishing this legacy this year! 😀

6.6 – The One Where Bubbles Dies Twice

Did you know that tea leaves have more caffeine in them than coffee beans do? Before they’re brewed, of course. But, tea is diluted more than coffee is and ends up having around half the amount of caffeine than a cup of coffee? Because I didn’t.

At least tea doesn’t taste like the entirety of the League of Legends gaming community. Bitter.

So here I sit, with my giant mug of tea, my hair pointing in all directions, preparing to write another Gordons post. Honestly, you’d think this was torture if you saw me.

(And yes, the title is in reference to ‘The One Where Nana Dies Twice’!)


Introducing baby Una!

I think she aged up with brown hair, but her portrait had Billy’s colouring so I gave her that, otherwise I’m losing some epic genetics.

Her favourite colour is lime green, so prepare yourself for damaged retinas.


Billy immediately starts teaching her to talk. And I mean immediately; he didn’t even have any cake.

Billy: And the plates go into the dishwasher, and there’s a trash compacter. Think you could manage that?


Una: No.

Billy: I just want a clean house 😥


Sirius: I can’t bark at Martin because this chair is in my way.

Tonks: can’t bark at Martin because you are in my way.

Martin: Please don’t bark at me.


Buckbeak chose a very strange place to take a nap.

Sutter: Can I splash him? Cold water is known to shock.

Remus: If you screw up the jump, the only person you splash is me. No.


ACK! What do you think you’re doing!?

Bubbles: It’s called dying. It happens when you get old.

But you’ve been here twice already!


Grim: You again?

Bubbles: Nice to see you too.


Grim: Alright, alright!!

Bubbles: Wait, what’s happening?


Bubbles: Hold up. I’m alive!?

Sirius: Hell yeah you are.


Cute little victory dance from our Undead past Heir.

Bubbles: I’m ALIVE!


Bubbles: Sirius, you are the best dog ever.

Tonks: Excuse you!?

(If anyone missed it, Sirius harrassed death into bringing Bubbles back)


Daddy Remus tidies up the ‘nursery’ while Una sleeps.

Honestly, these two are really good dads. It basically goes against the stereotype that sims are crappy parents. Though I think most of my lot have had their moments XD


Remus: How do you feel about more kids?

Billy: Far better than how I feel about you talking while kissing me.


This is Tonks’ new favourite place to sleep. Also, ghost Lyra in the background!


This is Martin’s sprite that he hasn’t spoken to in forever; his name is Shane!


Martin: Here, have a nanothingy and then I can feel like a good sprite owner!

He got a moodlet from it. It was cute in a weird way XD


I bought this guitar for Martin, but he’s ignored it and now a stray pap has picked it up.

I had to listen to this guy learn how to play guitar for hours while everybody in the house slept… I don’t know how he even got there; the gates are locked to household only!


I don’t remember designing these pyjamas for Una, but as she’s a toddler for a grand total of three days, it doesn’t matter that much.


She really likes that car. She’s so cute!


Martin seems to have remembered Shane and now wants to get him out multiple times in a day, and Bubbles has been commissioned to write a drama novel by none other than her younger brother, Boomer.


The boys have also discovered a love of laundry. They did like four loads, one after the other.


Remus: Anybody fancy going out for a ride? Jumping practise?

Beaky&Sutter: No.


Billy: I’m so close to completing my life long goal, I just need to make more friends!


Billy: I can do that from here, right?



Harry called Remus for a chat, so that was cute.

Remus: Yeah, I have two dogs, two horses, and a daughter now! – What, you’re still not married?

-.- Damnit Harry.


Sutter: Attention, please!



Sutter: I’m old now.

If you can still jump, all is well, grey old man!


Speaking of grey old men…

Martin: Oh, is it my turn now?


Grims: Wazzup, old man!?

Sirius: Not you again…


Much to Remus’s horror, Martin greets death as an old friend (heh) and passes on.


Bubbles: I guess his heart just couldn’t stand seeing me die three times!


As he was younger than Bubbles I would usually be surprised he went first, but seeing how Bubbles is determined not to die, it’s not actually that surprising now XD


Billy: Wheeee – oops, let’s not tell Daddy about the accident with the light fixture, okay?

Her head is clipped through one of the lights, though it doesn’t actually look like it here.


Dog gnome!


Remus picks up where his husband left off; Una’s birthday is tomorrow and she doesn’t know any of her toddler skills. Both boys have wishes to ‘see Una age up well’, so we better get cracking on that ASAP!

All your attention needs to go to Una’s skilling, capiche?

Remus: Roger that.


Remus: Yes, my husband and I would like to adopt our second child.

That’s not what I meant.


At least one person is responsible, here.

Only potty training left after this!


And here is the boy’s second child and their first son; the easily impressed loner, Tristan Gordon!

Hands up if you know the theme?


I’ve never paid too much attention to the toddler skills until now, but the little pouty faces that they make are so freaking cute.


Bubbles: Do you think I could challenge Death to a game of Mario Kart when he next comes for me? I’ve been practising, and I think I’ve got a good chance at surviving my fourth encounter.

I mean, you might be able to rock, paper, scissors your way out of it, but it’s unlikely.


Grandma bonding time! Thankfully, Una’s head missed the lights this time.


And Bubbles finishes up the walk training. Una can now walk and talk!


Una: Daddy’s a gossip.

Yes, and it’s taken me about six hours to write the last few screenshots D:


Una learns how to pee responsibly!


Tristan: I am but a poor, negelected, starving child!

Remus: I should never have taught you to talk.


While Remus sulks, Billy teachers the UTTER CUTIE that is Tristan how to walk. Family bonding, folks!

Also, anybody notice my utterly hilarious choice of clothing for Tristan? A shirt that says ‘I love Dad’? Because he has two dads!? … I’ll show myself out.


Remus: Maybe if I pin Tristan’s face over the treble twenty I might hit it…

You know you love him really!

Honestly, these two are probably the best Sim parents I’ve ever had in a game. I love them so much ❤


Michael: I’m here to find inner peace.


What were you saying about peace?

I can count five other ghosts; Peter and Kenny out in the garden, Amy at the top of the stairs, I think that’s Lyra floating past the stairs, and I’m not sure who that is on the computer. Oh, and a rogue zombie!


Martin’s up already! And making everybody some food.


Michael: I found my peace!

Well, you always were a weird one.


Tristan: It vanished!

Tristan, what did you do with your toy!?



After some extensive googling (read: I opened six pages and they all said the same thing) it is apparent that you can’t adopt Supernatural children. Which means that Tristan has either inherited his powers from Lori when I was rerolling his genetics, or there’s something in Story Progression (that I can’t find on google) but that lets you adopt Occult children. I don’t know, though, because most things like that are usually defaulted as off, and I don’t play around with the settings enough to have turned anything like that on.

I mean, it’s probably a setting or even something added with a patch, but I’d just really like to think it was from Lori (though at this stage the chance of that is probably non-existent)! XD


Billy: Yes, soon no more dirty diapers!

That’s what you think 😉

Billy: Oh no.


Remus: Aaaaaaaah, the claaaw!! It’s coming for you, Una!

Una: My short life is flashing before my eyes!


Remus: Tickle monster!!

Remus and Billy are a literal match made in heaven.


Oh, for goodness sake, Bubbles!

Bubbles: Fourth time’s the charm, right?


Bubbles: Please! Let me live, I want to see my new grandson!

Grim: Come on, no more of this hopscotch business. It really is your time now.


These two are now the real, official adults in the house!

Remus: I’m not ready! I need an adult-ier adult!

You’re about 40.


Look at them… I’ll miss the constant drone of that laser-con thingy, and Bubbles and her books! See you two in ghostly form ❤