9.9 – The One Where They Age

This is the last post in the old house (I think lol), so say GOODBYE to pink walls and obscene amounts of green, and HELLO to something beautiful!

Homework party! Sadly, because they end up moving just before they turn into teens, this means nothing for Abigail and the not-pictured Alex.

I am rapidly losing control of these children; I’m not actually entirely sure who this is or how she got out here. I’m like 80% sure this is Haley, but at this point they all look so startlingly familiar with their red hair and blue clothes (why is it always blue!?) that you cannot blame me.

That and I’m used to playing them as teens, so writing this is just a huge ???? for me.

Piper gets asked out on a date by some random old dude with terrible hairstyle choices. Though I really can’t talk, I’ve been putting off getting a haircut for almost a month now (because it either involves driving ridiculously far or messaging somebody new [shudders]) that I’m now starting to resemble Cousin Itt.

Piper: Wasn’t this supposed to be about my date and not your terrible life choices?

… Right you are.

Here is a picture of Eileen painting. Do I know why I took this or what purpose it serves?

Of course not.

I know these two are wearing different colours, but that still doesn’t mean I can tell them apart. There’s seven of them! Give me a break!

Emily: I’m Emily!

Haley: And I’m Haley!

Very helpful.

Either way, there’s some parenting happening up in here!

Despite not being able to tell them apart (I looked it up, this is Haley), I can tell you she’s hella cute!!!

These two are well on their way to being frenemies, it seems. Or siblingemies?

Elliott: God, Leah, why are you such trash? Just tell me the answers already!

Leah: No.

Elliott: Rude.

Eileen: Oh, what’s happening? Is my child having a birthday? Did I leave the iron on? I’d better check.

Wait –

Well, she’s gone.

Eileen is not particularly interested in being a mother. She’s only interested in having lots of children.

Go figure.

Child Haley! Our little artiste here picks up Eccentric as her child trait, making her one of roughly three sims I’ve ever had with that trait!

I don’t know why it comes up so infrequently – I get artist a hell of a lot in comparison!

It’s also time for Elliott’s birthday, too!

Haley: Couldn’t I eat my burned birthday waffles without somebody stealing my thunder??

Not in this house, you can’t.

Tadaaaaah! He picks up Good Sense Of Humour, weirdly. I didn’t like him much as a child but his traits are rounding out a little more cleanly than the “I Am An Asshole” figure he was shaping up to be.

I did give him leather and studs and belts though, because he’s still the kind of kid who’d probably set things on fire for fun. But then again, don’t we all have the desire to set things on fire sometimes, or is that just me?

And we’re immediately graced with an alien invasion.


Why did you have to arrive now? I’ve never had an alien baby before, but I’ve already got seven kids, and none of those can have their own just yet!

Go away, and come back when we’ve chosen an heir!!

Zasarn: My apologies?

Also come back when you’ve got some hair.

Elliott: Have you ever considered using your skills to help overthrow the government?

Annabeth: What?

Elliott: You know, like replacing the mayor or the president with one of your robots?

Annabeth: Um????

Elliott: With my brains and your tech skills, we could take over the world in no time!!

Leah, on the other hand, just wants somebody to play with her, even going as far as to ask Eileen to snowball fight with her during spring?

Unsurprisingly that did not pan out, and instead she’s left to play cars by herself in the green nursery.

Abigail is permanently glued to the computer, writing. She’s yet to actually finish a book, but then again neither have I, so I’m not judging!


Haley: So, about that weather?

Eileen: REALLY?

Marasi: And that’s my cue to leave!

Leah: How low can you go?


Au contraire, it’s always the time for the cha cha slide.

And then this lil baba cha cha slides his way into existence; Sebastian! This illegal little baby is a Hydrophobic Virtuoso (another trait that crops up a lot, actually), who apparently doesn’t have a favourite colour because I failed to list it.

It’s nothing exciting, it’s grey.

The bean is then aged up immediately, because I had enough issues with poor Ginny being so much younger than her siblings and do not wish to repeat that with seven kids!

POOF! There he is! I’m surprised the red hair carried over so strongly, only he and Leah got the purple!!

I also struggled immensely finding hair I actually liked for him. I might even go on another spree now, just because I still hate the hair I have him in.

God this is so cute I hate it

Nice to see the Langurd jaw still going strong after seven or so generations!


I did come up with a sort of kids playroom/skilling room for the upstairs, which we now know is totally changed, but I kept the pictures anywhere because it features my adorable Gen 10 kids!!

Every generation needs a painter!!

There’s also this garden, which actually kept most of its shape! I didn’t keep the football goal, though I might put that back in!

ELLIOTT! You can’t be mean to Eileen!

Seriously, this guy is rude to everyone now he’s a teen; turns out his rage was contained within his tiny child body and now it has been UNLEASHED.

Either that or he’s just like the average teenager, “URGH, I HATE YOU!”.

Leah: Finally, someone to play with me who can’t escape!


Looks like he escaped after all.

Wait, who let the babies out!?

Happy birthday Emily!!!

She did not actually pick up a new trait? It didn’t lock in, so she still doesn’t actually have one. Also, do you notice anything else wrong with this picture?

Emily: Yes, you put me in the wrong colour. My favourite is lilac, not turquoise!


Emily: Not only do you put me in the wrong colour, but you spoil my birthday my making me share it with the new brat?

Annabeth: Wait, didn’t Eileen give birth to you like, yesterday?

Sebastian gets Easily Impressed as his newest trait! I did actually wait the three days of toddlerhood before aging him up, I think??? Honestly I’ve no idea.

9 thoughts on “9.9 – The One Where They Age

  1. Hey, once they learn the three skills, it’s fair game to age them up. Now we have kids and teens we can get to know them a bit better, yay! But there are so damn many of them, it’s hard. I think Hayley is my favourite thus far, but we’ll see. Looking forward to the new house!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Exactly 😉
      I know! I’m excited, they’re all pretty fun teens! I do have a plan for heir poll time stuff, because seven is A LOT. Also I’m glad you like Haley, because I love herrrrrr ❤ 😀

      Liked by 1 person

    • I literally only remember because they’re all dressed in their favourite colours, and I have them all listed on the Gen 10 page, so I keep checking for reference XD
      So in short, I don’t XD

      Liked by 1 person

    • I’m glad you like him! I like him a lot, he’s good looking, but he’s a bit too mean to everyone for me to /really/ love him, ya know?
      God, I know. I made Lori a ginger in the hopes that I’d get a bunch of red heads going down the line, and I clearly did not. So I was super surprised and super happy when Eileen gave me like FIVE read headed kids!!!

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