Your Chosen Champion Is…

Bubbles Gordon


Her victory was sealed from the second day, but I kept it open just in case there was an influx of votes (HA) and I somehow managed to have NINE VOTES!?

NINE!? I counted up votes:likes and friends, and counted seven! Who are you two mystery voters!? Seriously though, I didn’t even expect the seven I counted; I’m so glad people are reading and liking this trainwreck legacy 😀


Also glad to see how much more spread out these votes are, unlike Lyra and the poor gen three candidates 😛

Speaking of Lyra, she is the first sim I’ve had to survive TWO generations! I’m nearly done with the screenshots for 5.1 and she’s still going strong! She is one tough old lady.

The Generation Five page is up, complete with Bubbles and Brick download links and trait cards, and Blossom and Boomer’s trait lists!

I have a save that is made up of just the Gordon Heirs in order to take pictures of them for the header (which will change soon!), and I got bored and did a bunch of Charlie’s Angel post photos.



One, Three, and Five!


They look pretty similar, hopefully we can get some differences going on in later gens. Though I’m liking the slightly rounder/wider jawline and bigger nose!


Squad goals and all that, right?

Even though they’re all technically mothers and daughters…



My simself takes horrible selfies…




Gen Three!

I love this one, even if we both have unhinged our jaws.


Gen Four!

We heartfarted shortly before this -.-


Gen Five!

This one had to be cropped because there was a sim lurking to the right, and Sam sticking out of my head.

2 thoughts on “Your Chosen Champion Is…

  1. I can’t believe I missed the heir poll!! D: And I genuinely have no excuse except that I’ve been glued to Grey’s Anatomy all week, lying on my couch with a laptop on my stomach and a cat on my face. Whoops. For what it’s worth, I probably would have voted for Bubbles anyway. 😛

    It’s so cool to see all the heirs together like that! And amazing how Lori and Bubbles look more alike than any of the heirs in between! I never realized, I think they’ve all had Lori’s nose so far? (Except maybe Lyra. The Langurd is too strong with her.)

    Oh man, I’m both excited and terrified to see the simselves enter your game. Especially seeing that mine has taken it upon herself to be Sonic’s replacement. And of course…
    “This one had to be cropped because there was a sim lurking to the right, and Sam sticking out of my head”
    You get what you bargained for.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I have never seen Grey’s but the laptop and the cat seem like reasonable excuses 😛

      It was really weird to see them all together (and to see Mia heartfarting most of them), but I love seeing the similarities! I’m not sure if Mia’s nose is Lori’s, I think it’s Peter’s. Bubbles is either Lori’s or Amy’s, as I think Amy’s mother was one of my experiment sims – I never changed her face, just the hair and traits because I wanted to try stuff out.

      Simselves are fantastic, I love having them in game. Though, Sam hooking up with Michael was unexpected XD


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