9.?? – The One Where I Get Emotional

So. Looks like we’re doing this. For real, this time.

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It’s 2020! Can you believe it? A decade of nonsense, chaos, and technological advancements; the first iPad, Lady Gaga’s meat dress, the cup song, Gangnam style, the rapture that didn’t happen, Rebecca Black’s Friday, blue and black or white and gold, the birth and death of Vine, and not one, but TWO royal weddings.

Oh, and the Gordons!

On the 5th of June 2015, I posted the first ever ‘chapter’ of the Gordon legacy. Officially my sixth ever attempt at a legacy challenge, I had no idea whether this time I’d finally make it past the end of the second generation, let alone beating my ‘record’ of generation six. I didn’t think I’d even manage to get more than one reader, either. Who knew?

God, this is so hard to write.

I haven’t played their save – or even TS3 – in months now, but I put off writing this post just from sheer denial? I kept saying I’d eventually come back and finish off this legacy as I had all of the screenshots taken and prepared for the rest of the chapters I needed to write until I could launch an heir poll, but I just… haven’t. So, I decided it’s time to close the door. Really, this post should be a celebration! I’ve finally completed a legacy challenge! Yet somehow I’m managing to make it sound more like a funeral? Whoops. The thing is, I don’t actually feel like I’ve completed the legacy, which I think is the problem. But, I have! The challenge finished when Elliott was born! And even it hadn’t, it should still be completed because all of the kids are YA in game!

Okay, let’s try this again.

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I FINISHED A LEGACY CHALLENGE!! We’ll just ignore the part where I kept saying it’s not actually over. It’s been six months since I last posted, and longer than that since I last played, so it’s time to call it a day.

Congratulations, Lori Gordon, you started a legacy that lasted ten generations! 37 combined heirs and spares, and countless other random bloodline sims born in the time stream. I should probably have organised something proper for this post; researched some stats, and collected some pictures of memorable moments. But it’s too late for that now in this post, maybe I’ll do another one for their 5th anniversary.

For now, I just wanna thank all of you!! This whole legacy thing has been a crazy journey, and I for sure couldn’t have done it without the support of you guys – commenting tips, suggestions, and support, and just general love! If you commented or liked, every post or sporadically, or even just read any of the posts and contributed to the crazy number of views I got on this blog, then thank you. Thank you so, so much. Because if it wasn’t for you guys, then I would never have made it to generation ten!

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Big love to all of you, honestly.

If you want to keep up with me and keep reading about my sims adventures, I’m now running a Sims 4 blog, the Hot Ladies Association! It’s a set of rotating households, which I use to test out the features of Sims 4. It starts out a little ropey, but we’re just going into Gen 2 (didn’t even expect there to be a Gen 2) and things are getting better.


And now, to the main event of this post! Well, actually no, this would only be the secondary event as the announcement that this legacy is over was the primary event. Oh, that was an ugly sentence.

Hey, look! An heir poll!

Yes, I know having an heir poll is kind of redundant when I’ve just deemed the legacy officially over, but I have a reason! It’s this picture. As you probably know, I’ve been filling up this up over the course of the legacy, but there’s a glaring blind spot over the fact I don’t have a face to put in the 10th slot. I could just put in Elliott’s face – he was the first baby of Generation 10, but for some reason I’d rather let you guys pick me an heir/ess.

Okay, I have a reason that isn’t just a picture. A pretty solid reason, too. Ever since I realised this legacy had a good shot at being finished, and that I was waaaay overly attached to this family, I decided that once this was over I was going to pick a Gen10 heir/ess and start another challenge. Maybe an ISBI or an Apocalypse challenge, but I wasn’t really sure what I was going to do until I actually finished the thing. I’m still not sure, but that’s okay, I’ve got time.

Anyway! Heir poll time!

Annabeth and Eileen for comparison!

Elliott Gordon, the baby who ended it all! He has Eileen’s nose, mouth, and jaw, with Annabeth’s eyes. His colouring is a nice mix – Annabeth’s skintone, with Eileen’s hair and eye colour.

Traits; Loner, Neurotic, Mean Spirited, Good Sense Of Humour, Night Owl
LTW; Emperor of Evil

Leah! I’m so happy I had a chance to use this hair on someone; I’ve had it in my game for over five years! She has Eileen’s eyes and jaw, and Annabeth’s nose and mouth… sort of. Her nose and mouth are ever so slightly different from Annabeth’s, but wildly different from Eileen’s. It’s been so long that I can’t remember for sure what my MC settings are, so it’s probably a combination of both Annabeth and Eileen’s, just not particularly drastically. Her colouring is all Annabeth, including the beautiful throwback eyes.

Traits; Grumpy, Loves the Cold, Daredevil, Rebellious, Flirty
LTW; Paranormal Profiteer

Alex! He has Eileen’s nose, jawline and I think her mouth too, plus Annabeth’s eyes. I’m really not sure on his mouth, that may be another combined feature. His colouring is all Eileen.

Traits; Clumsy, Friendly, Loves the Outdoors, Inappropriate, Neat
LTW; Jack of All Trades

Abigail! She too, has all Eileen’s colouring, alongside her eyes. The rest – mouth, jaw, and nose – is all Annabeth.

Traits; Clumsy, Perceptive, Bookworm, Schmoozer, Socially Awkward
LTW; Star News Anchor

Hayley, my little inventor; she has Eileen’s jaw, Annabeth’s eyes, nose, and mouth. Again, her nose and mouth are the tiniest bit different to Annabeth’s, but nothing like Eileen’s. Really not sure what’s going on there, probably a MC setting. Her colouring is also all Eileen!

Traits; Loves the Outdoors, Artistic, Eccentric, Night Owl

Sebastian! Right away it’s obvious he has Annabeth’s jaw, along with her mouth. His nose and eyes, on the other hand, are Eileen’s. He has Annabeth’s skintone and hair, with Eileen’s eyes.

Traits; Hydrophobic, Virtuoso, Easily Impressed, Party Animal
LTW; Rockstar

And last but not least, Emily! She has Eileen’s eyes and nose, with Annabeth’s mouth and jaw. Her colouring is all from Eileen, except the gorgeous dark purple eyes from Annabeth.

Traits; Genius, Heavy Sleeper, Workaholic, Hopeless Romantic
LTW; World Renown Surgeon



So there we go, now you know all my secrets! I have a few hopes, and I don’t know if or when I plan to start this next challenge, but here we go! The poll is technically only open for a week, but we’ll see what I can do.

4 thoughts on “9.?? – The One Where I Get Emotional

  1. Well done, you finished! I know what you mean about having all the screenshots and not wanting to write it up… I may or may not have done something similar with one of my own challenges.

    The kids are all so beautiful; you got a bunch of different faces, yay for generations of genetics. I’m surprised that so many got Eileen’s eyes, though the hairs are a good mix of colours – even if we didn’t get any throwbacks. I’m looking forward to seeing what you come up with next.


  2. I saw this post just as I got back onto wordpress after a year+ break, and immediately started rereading, so now I’m extra emotional about this ending (I feel you, I get emotional about sims even when they’re not my own). This legacy was so amazing and these sims were so fun (I’m about to add a few of them to my game bc I don’t want to say goodbye to them jhsdjshds), and the way you write them has been so interesting and captivating yet lighthearted, I’ll really miss all of it! But this is a celebration!!! Congratulations!!! I’m so excited to see what you do next!


  3. Congratulations! Finishing a legacy is no easy feat (as I’m learning), so good on you! 😀
    I’m really looking forward to the next challenge, no matter which Gen 10 Gordon starts it. Not gonna lie though, I’m rooting for Elliot or Leah.
    Have fun! And happy new DECADE! 8D


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